Thursday, March 24, 2011


My beloved Tumblr is located here.

Check it out! I love hanging out over there.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Blog.

My "new" blog is located at WordPress.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Life is at a stand still for me. It's funny. In my head, that's the way I want it. At a stand still. But in reality, as it always happens, I want more. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel like I am constantly competing with life to have that time to do nothing. Again, when in reality, I really do do nothing. I'm ashamed to admit it, and oddly proud at the same time. I'm not depressed, but it's not exhilarating either. I know I don't blog, at all really, but I was just thinking about this place tonight. I guess I just needed a sanctuary for a little bit.

April Marie

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Magnificent Ambersons

I've just finished watching the 1940's film, "The Magnificent Ambersons".

I completely enjoyed it. I've heard so many people say bad things about it, although on the contrary, I've heard many people say good things as well. As with many things though, the bad commentaries stick out. I usually like things others don't. I will actually be honest here and say I believe this was my first Orson Welles film. Meaning, that he has directed. I won't promise, but I think so. He is genius. I see what people mean. I love his direction. Gorgeous.

Agnes Moorehead, of coarse, was my reason for seeing the film in the first place. I actually have the book sitting by my bed too. When I get into something, I follow through. I get introduced to many, many interesting things this way. Try it sometime.

April Marie

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My First Post

Well, well, well. Look at the old girl now.

I haven't had a blog since I was a kid. And by kid, I mean quite a few years back. After all, I am only 20 years old. I think I officially learned of the word, and how to use it in common speech in the year of 2001. Back when people thought I was referring to a type of stretchy goo produced by Nickelodeon. In 2003, I gained myself a LiveJournal; of which I referred to as my 'blog'. I left the site sometime in 2006. Not that I have anything against LiveJournal. I just need something new. I go through phases, you see. You'll probably see, at least, if I stick with this.

So. I suppose I should introduce myself to new world of Blogger.

My name is April. My mother told me she named me after a character on "Days of Our Lives". When I was about 15 or so, I looked this information up and found it to be true. I didn't like my name as a kid. I wanted to change it when I was of age. I used to ask my mom how long it would take to fill out all of the necessary papers to get my name changed. It must have been a smack in the face to her, having to hear that from her daughter that she herself named in love. I have since apologized, as well as completely accepted my somewhat unique name.

Speaking of names; I love names. I loving naming things. The name of one of my children is to be Veronica, with the nickname of Vera, Ranah... or whatever else I manage to imagine. Veronica, if I've done my research properly, stands for "true image." I've told my boyfriend her middle name is to be Aspesia, but naturally, he laughs and automatically tells me people will call her "ass." Okay. I get it. Every time I try for something unique he looks at me like it's so typical. I don't mind, but really. In all reality, we are planning for it to be Deborah. Deborah is my mother's first name. If you knew me, you would understand this choice. My boyfriend is all for it. We both have an amazing relationship with my mother. It's a dream.

Let's see. I believe I can get away with describing myself as positive, silly, quirky, independent, friendly, attentive, imaginative, logical, impatient, cheerful, blunt, conscientious, stubborn, organized, unique, eclectic, open-minded, loyal.... and probably other weird ones that I can't think of now. After all, this list really shows how I can get absorbed in certain projects. I can be a bit talkative if I'm your friend.... or if you're a blog web site.

My hobbies include... (and are taken directly from my YouTube account)...
3-D design; antiquing; decorating; drawing; drive-in restaurants; drive-in theatres; driving around town with justin; fashion; graphic design; hairstyling; history; old buildings; old movies; organizing; photography; photoshop; reading; theatre; traveling; video editing; aaaaaand yard work.

My favorite films are "Auntie Mame" from 1958, and "Humoresque" from 1946. My favorite actresses are Rosalind Russell, Joan Crawford, and Agnes Moorehead. I love all kinds of music, and really do listen to anything AND everything. Though, I do have a great fondness for classic rock, and Lady Gaga.

Now because I myself am getting bored, I'll finish off with the basics. I live in Iowa, a mid-west state in the United States. I've learned to love it. I've got my wonderful boyfriend, Justin. We are not engaged as of yet, but do both possess promise rings. We are best friends, and love each other very much. The only other person I will ever speak higher of is my own mother. I work at Sonic Drive-In, doing pretty much everything. I'm mainly a skating carhop, except during the winter. Of which it is now. Not fun. I have a dog; a 10 year-old rat-terrier mix named Paige, and 20+ year-old turtle named Franklin.

If I need to talk about myself some more, it will be at another time because I've been sitting here for way too long. Must get going!

April Marie